Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So the day after I wrote the last post everyone did go back to the circus thing except me I wasn't feeling that well so I didn't go but my brother and sister went back and did catching which is someone swings from one side and you swing from the other and you catch there hands while they are hanging by their knees and you are too, swing to their trapeze by holfimg there hands and then go back to yours all while ypur about 30 feet from the ground. Then later that day we went to the airport and went back to Toronto! We got their at about midnight so the next morning we went to the bookstore and then just ran a few errands and then it was shabbat which we had at my Uncle and Aunt's. On Saturday we went to shul and then had brunch at my grandparents. That night my parents went back to Vancouver to check for damage from the renters at our house so when theywent there they first checked the Vancouver house and then they went to Whistler to check that house and then went for a ski which didn't really work because the weather was so bad so went back to Vancouver and got on a plain to come back to Toronto. While all this was happening we were at a different aunt and uncle's sleeping over and then in the morning we went to see Alice in Wonderland. I didn't see the movie because I didn't feel like having to sit srill for that long so instead I went to a plae muy grandfather wanted to take me to buy me a present for my bat mitzvah. So the place was about 40 minutes away but before that we went to Starbucks and then to my Great Aunt Miriam the whole time callingthe jewler to see if he was even open. Finally we decided that since it was Sunday he might be there and he might not be so we should just take the chance. we drove the 40 minutes and then geuss what??? HE WAS CLOSED! so we got back in the car and started the drive home. He showed me there mountain in Earl Bales park which I DID NOT BELEIVE, it was tiny! and then home. the next day was Monday and my parents had gotten home in the morning and then my grandfather wanted to go back to the store. So we got in the car and drove there AGAIN, when we got there geuss what? IT WAS CLOSED. we had noticed on the sign the day before that it was open on Monday but not what time it opens so it only opens at one. so we went back just an hour and a half andwent back at 1 so got there at almost 2. it was open but there was NPOTHING in it the people lock all the stuff in the safes s o had to take it all out first so they told us to go and do something for an hour. there wasn't really anything around there so we went to walk around the dollar store and russian gift shop and the pizza place that was all that was there. when we came back an hour later still nothing was out so he my grandfather just told him to tske out the magen davids because thats what he wanted to get me. We finally picked one but then they wanted it shorter (my grandmother had also come this time). So whgen I got home I packed for a long time and cleaned and then noticed that I had absolutely NOTHING dfor the airplane which is what everyone else was doing while I was sitting in the car. So my aunt took me to a place and we got stuff and then went to the airport. the plain ride was 10 hours and 45 minutes (i think) and landed in Tel Aviv. then we drove to where we are staying here in Jarusalem. Israel is BEAUTIFUL!

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